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Get better pricing, selection, and service on business supplies and furniture

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Member-only national contract pricing

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Benefit includes a full list of 650 Best Buy items with member-only national contract pricing

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You can receive quarterly custom spend reports to help proactively manage supply inventory and budget 

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No cost spending audits will also help keep your supply expenses within budget

See how much you can save

* savings are based upon actual member spending.  Individual member savings may vary due to the supplies purchased.

*Savings based upon actual member spending.  Individual member savings may vary due to the supplies purchased.

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Register to Save

Simply sign up for a new account.  If you are already a customer, complete the form below to enroll in the Chamber program today.

Note: One of our local reps will contact you to ensure a smooth enrollment and help with any unique business supply needs.

Thanks for interest in our Chamber business supply benefit. A local rep will contact you shortly.

You're in good company

We’ve helped hundreds of companies like…

Contact us:

Michelle Darden

843-553-4595 ext. 3320

Ready to take the next step?

Learn why our Chamber business supply program gives you instant access to national contract pricing with the many advantages of a local office supply provider.

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Chamber contact:

P.O. Box 968, Moncks Corner, SC 29461

A national chamber program powered by AOPD

Copyright © 2024 Member Benefit. All Rights Reserved.

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